We didn't ask for the moon...

The Bonsoirs adventure started when Nicolas, its founder, moved into his new apartment and then bought a brand new bed. He thought the hardest part was done, but he had underestimated the last step: the sheets. However, his search was simple: cozy sheets, without flower patterns, with timeless colors, great quality, not too expensive and above all without spending hours on them...

We didn't ask for the moon...

Candy. Freshness. Good mood.

After countless searches in department stores and on the internet, countless clicks on extravagant sheets and a refund-free exchange, Nicolas decided to create Bonsoirs. The idea? Inject simplicity and freshness into a universe that tends easily towards the very expensive and (too) classic top of the range or the basic with sacrificed quality.

Candy. Freshness. Good mood.

A love for linens and quality

Without being an expert, Nicolas went to test, touch, compare and select dozens of materials and types of clothing until he became an expert in bed linen. Every night the team slipped into different sheets in search of the best quality, and for months we patiently built Goodnights with as many sleepless nights as you will have sweet nights with your new sheets :) Result : top-of-the-range quality and a new approach to sheets based on quality and durability!

A love for linens and quality

Hotel quality

5 star linens. No average products, but sensational and above all ultra soft and comfortable :)

60 night trial

60 nights to try your sheets. Fast delivery and free returns. Sorry but we can't do more ;)

At your service

We attach great importance to customer service! You deserve to be treated well.