Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about the way in which the personal information that you communicate to us, on our Site, or by any other means, is treated.

Bonsoirs Home is committed to processing the data you entrust to us in a transparent, confidential and secure manner.

As part of the processing of your personal data, Bonsoirs Home recognizes the importance of ensuring the protection and security of your privacy and your personal data, and has established this Privacy Policy in accordance with the strictest criteria. protection of personal data, as well as any applicable regulations, in particular law n ° 2018-493 of June 20, 2018 and the General Regulations for Data Protection (hereinafter “GDPR”) which came into force on May 25, 2018.

The way in which your personal data is processed and collected is applicable to all users of the Site and/or customers of Bonsoirs Home. We invite you to read the content carefully. If you disagree with the process put in place by Bonsoirs Home, please do not communicate any personal information about yourself and stop using the Site. By continuing such communication, you acknowledge having been informed of the processing of your personal data and accept it.

This Privacy Policy may be modified by Bonsoirs Home at any time and without notice, in particular due to normative changes. The new section will apply from the date of its posting on the Site. By providing personal information after these changes have been made, you agree to the new section.

Therefore, in accordance with the GDPR adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016 and the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, Bonsoirs Home informs you of the following points:


The person responsible for processing personal data collected via is:

Simplified joint-stock company with capital of 9,488 euros
Registered with the Paris RCS under number 830 989 695
Head office: 89 rue de Monceau 75008 Paris
Such. : 01 82 88 55 28

BONSOIRS has a data protection officer: Mr. Nicolas MORSCHL, who can be contacted at:


We only collect information that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed (“data minimization”).

The data of minors can only be provided by an adult. Therefore, we thank you for ensuring that your children do not transmit any personal data to us without your authorization.

Your personal data may be collected on different occasions:

i. When you visit our website
When browsing our Site, information may be recorded or read in your device. We use the audience analysis service of Google Analytics. The information collected via Google Analytics (in particular IP address) makes it possible to monitor the volume, type and configuration of traffic using our Site in order to develop its design and layout. The information collected also allows us to improve your customer experience by sending personalized offers in line with your needs.

ii. When you make a purchase on our website
When you make a purchase on, as part of our buying and selling process, we collect the following personal information:
- First and last name ;
- Address ;
- E-mail address ;
- Telephone number.

By concluding his purchase, the customer agrees to receive communications concerning products or services similar to those acquired from Bonsoirs.

iii. When you subscribe to our newsletter
You can subscribe to our newsletter on our Site. For this you must register and provide your email address.
By registering, you consent to the processing of your personal data that you have provided for the purpose of sending our commercial communications by email and SMS to the email address and telephone number that you have provided to us. Your consent to the processing of your personal data in this context has been given to us in a proactive, free and informed manner.

At the end of each email and/or SMS, you will find a link or any other means to unsubscribe at any time. To unsubscribe, you can also write to us at the following email address:


On the basis of your prior consent, the personal data concerning you are collected and processed by BONSOIRS for the following purposes:
- The processing of your orders including the payment, preparation and delivery of your products;
- Managing and sending newsletters and SMS;
- The analysis of your use of our eshop in order to improve its performance and its personalization according to your affinities
- Management of chat, phone calls and sending emails
- Collecting customer reviews


Your data is exclusively accessible:
- To people who are part of BONSOIRS and need to access it as part of their duties;
- To the company SHOPIFY INC., host of the site, which acts as a subcontractor and in accordance with our instructions for the sole purpose of providing hosting services;
- To the company KLAVIYO, a marketing automation platform which notably allows the sending of newsletters, personalized SMS and has functions for analyzing the customer's purchasing behavior;
- To YOTPO, a platform for managing customer loyalty, the sponsorship program and the collection of customer opinions.

Your data is stored in the data storage system and databases of our service providers. Your data is stored on secure protected servers.

If you make your purchase through a direct payment gateway, then Shopify will store your credit card information. This information is encrypted in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Information relating to your purchase transaction is kept for as long as necessary to finalize your order. Once your order is finalized, the information relating to the purchase transaction is deleted.

All direct payment gateways are PCI-DSS compliant, managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of companies such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

The requirements of the PCI-DSS standard ensure the secure processing of credit card data by and its service providers.

Bonsoirs Home does not market, rent or disclose your personal information to third parties other than companies belonging to its group, its service providers within the European Union, or an administrative or judicial authority which has given it an injunction.


In general, the third-party providers we use will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to perform the services they provide to us.

However, certain third-party service providers, such as payment gateways and other payment transaction processors, have their own privacy policies regarding the information we are required to provide to them for your purchase transactions.

With respect to these providers, we recommend that you read their privacy policies carefully so that you can understand how they will treat your personal information.

Please keep in mind that some providers may be located or have facilities located in a jurisdiction different from yours or ours. So if you decide to proceed with a transaction that requires the services of a third-party provider, then your information may be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which that provider is located or those of the jurisdiction in which its facilities are located.

Once you leave or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Service. Use of our website.

You may be required to leave our website by clicking on certain links on our site. We assume no responsibility for the privacy practices exercised by these other sites and recommend that you read their privacy policies carefully.


Bonsoirs Home retains the personal data that users have communicated to it for limited periods of time and while preserving the security of this data.

The data collected for the processing of your orders and/or for the management of your subscription to the newsletters are kept for a period of three years from their collection or from the last contact from you with BONSOIRS.

At the end of this period, BONSOIRS will delete your personal data.


By communicating your personal data, you agree to their collection, transfer and storage for the purposes mentioned in this section. Bonsoirs Home employs all technical and organizational security measures to ensure the protection of information concerning you, in accordance with the regulations.

However, despite all these precautions, no data transmission over the Internet is completely secure. Consequently, any communication of your data will be carried out at your own risk and Bonsoirs Home cannot be held liable in the event of intrusion by third parties for whom your information is not intended.


A cookie is a text file deposited when a user consults the content of a website or an online advertisement. It is completely anonymous and allows only the terminal used for navigation to be recognized. Cookies allow us to collect information relating to the user's navigation. We use several types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies from our Shopify platform. These cookies are useful for browsing our site, and also allow access to our products and services. Here is a list of cookies we use:

_session_id, unique session identifier, allows Shopify to store information about your session (referrer, landing page, etc.).

_shopify_visit, used by our website provider's internal statistics tracking system to record the number of visits.

_shopify_uniq, no data held, expires at midnight (depending on visitor location) the following day. Calculates the number of visits to a store per unique customer.

cart, unique identifier, persists for 2 weeks, stores your shopping cart information.

_secure_session_id, unique session identifier

storefront_digest, unique identifier, undefined if the store has a password, it is used to know if the current visitor has access.

  • Audience cookies (Google Analytics for example) allow us to measure the audience of the different pages of our site. We can thus establish statistics in order to understand the behavior of our users, and thus improve navigation on our site. These data are collected in an aggregated manner, each navigation is thus anonymous.

  • Advertising cookies : they allow the display of targeted advertising, and like all the other cookies on our site, they are completely anonymous.

You can configure your browser to refuse cookies. How ? Depending on the browser you are using, you will need to follow the instructions below:

iOS &

- Chrome
Computers ktop&hl=fr&oco=1
iOS &oco=1
Android d&hl=fr&oco=1

Computers iOS

Computers & Windows 10 Mobile edge-and-privacy

- Internet Explorer


In application of the law n ° 2018-493 of June 20, 2018 relating to the protection of personal data and the RGPD, as a data subject, you have certain rights, which can be exercised by sending a postal letter to Bonsoirs Home, 89 rue de Monceau 75008 Paris or an email to: These rights are:

  • Right of access and communication of your personal data
  • You have the right to obtain confirmation from Bonsoirs Home whether or not the personal data concerning you is being processed and, where applicable, the right to access this personal data. Upon request, Bonsoirs Home will provide you with a free copy of your personal data being processed. Provision of other requested copies may incur administrative costs.

  • Right to portability of your personal data
  • You have the right to receive your personal data concerning you and provided to Bonsoirs Home, in a structured format, for common use and in automatic reading, and the right to transmit this data to another data controller.

  • Right to rectification of your personal data
  • You have the right to ask Bonsoirs Home to correct your personal data if it is not correct. In the event of correction of the data, Bonsoirs Home undertakes to communicate to each recipient to whom the corrected data has been transmitted.

  • Right to erasure of your personal data - “right to be forgotten”
  • You have the right to obtain from Bonsoirs Home the deletion of your personal data when one of the following reasons applies:
    - Your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed;
    - You withdraw the consent on which the processing of your personal data is based and there is no other legal basis for such processing;
    - You object to the processing under the right to object and there is no legitimate interest justifying the processing;
    - In the event that your personal data is unlawfully processed.

    Unless otherwise provided, Bonsoirs Home is not obliged to delete your personal data insofar as the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which Bonsoirs Home is subject or for the purpose of declaration, exercise or defense of a right in the event of any dispute.

    In the event of the deletion of your personal data, Bonsoirs Home notifies each recipient/entity to whom the deleted data has been transmitted, unless this communication proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

  • Right to object to the collection and processing of your personal data
  • The exercise of this right is only possible in one of the following two situations:
    - When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate reasons; Or
    When the exercise of this right aims to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial prospecting purposes.


    In the event of a breach of your personal data, Bonsoirs Home undertakes to notify the CNIL under the conditions prescribed by the GDPR.

    If you consider that BONSOIRS HOME does not respect its obligations with regard to your personal data, you can address a complaint or a request to the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL, to which you can send a request electronically by clicking on the following link: