Méga Propre/Megaschoon/Mega Clean/Megasauber

natural laundry

1 Kerzon container of 1 liter


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Détails :

  • For the whole family and all textiles
  • Made in France with natural vegetable oils of coconut and olive
  • Machine and hand wash
  • The 1L can can make 22 washes
  • Biodegradable formula and recyclable plastic packaging

  • Super Fresh: cedar & ylang
  • Place des Vosges: rose & geranium
  • Mega Clean: cedar & rose

natural laundry has a rating of 4.6 stars based on 23 reviews.

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Remember to wash your sheets approximately every week to ensure optimal quality. Avoid too high temperatures and spin speeds which damage the laundry and consume energy. Nowadays, machines and detergents give excellent results at 40 degrees.

Regular washing at 40° is sufficient to preserve the fibers (and the planet). If you can, wash your towels separately. Avoid succumbing to fabric softener: a towel that does not dry would be a shame. And if you have a dryer, don't hesitate to give it a 60° turn. It will come out softened, supple and re-pulped.