Hello, we are going to bed. But when is the best time to go to sleep?

Good evening, let us tell you a story. The story that will improve your nights!

Scientists have determined another factor inherent to restful sleep: a theory about the ideal time to go to bed! Indeed, bad nights cause dysfunctions in the body, so we suggest you inform yourself about this theorization.

These studies explain that one of the conditions for a good night's sleep, apart from bed linen in which you feel good, is to know your sleep cycle well. Each cycle lasts approximately 90 minutes and to get a good, long night's sleep, you should try to sleep until the end of the fifth or sixth cycle. If we have the misfortune of waking up in the middle of a cycle... good mood guaranteed all day long!

So that we can give ourselves an idea together, go to bed at 9:15 p.m. or 10:45 p.m. if your alarm is set for 6:30 a.m. Ultimately, it's not about going to bed early, but about finding your personal benchmarks regarding sleep cycles! The best time to go to bed therefore differs from one person to another. And above all, falling asleep varies between the time elapsed since our last sleep episode and the activities carried out during our day.

We invite you to read our article “ Some tips for sleeping better ” or “ Sleep cycle: all our advice” to form good habits ;)

We offer you this little sleep calculator so that you can each adapt your sweet nights: https://www.hillarys.co.uk/static/sleep-calculator/

Here’s something to meditate on before going to bed!