At Bonsoirs, we are always very curious to know about new products and tips for sleeping well. Today we are going to tell you about a remedy: plants in your bedroom.

We have all had a day when our biggest expectation was to get back to our cozy bed as soon as possible. But once in our sheets , it is possible that things will not go as we would like. We turn around once, twice, then we see that our alarm clock is getting closer and closer…

Many solutions have been sought, then found, to help us in these cases of insomnia. And contrary to what we think, drugs are not the only miracle cures for these long periods of waiting in our bed!

And as at Bonsoirs we like tips and tricks for sleeping well, today we are going to talk to you about a remedy: put plants in your room!



Ah jasmine… this natural soporific! To all the amateurs, do not hesitate to dispose of it in your room and in your house, it will only be beneficial for your well-being.

Indeed, jasmine reduces anxiety and improves mood upon waking. Psychological research has shown that odors have very significant effects on our nervous system even when we are not necessarily attentive to these scents.

In summary, the good smell of jasmine will improve the quality of your sleep.



The beautiful days are still here, it's time for you to sniff some lavender before going to bed! And yes, inhaling the scent of lavender has sedative effects. The power of lavender is such that it lowers blood pressure, which puts us in a more relaxed state. Plus, you'll feel more energized and invigorated in the morning when you wake up! After adopting new bed linens , are you ready to adopt lavender?

The aloe vera

Here is a plant that will not get you in trouble , quite the contrary!

Aloe vera is a plant that produces oxygen at night. Result ? More restful sleep. This plant will also be able to eliminate the pollution of chemicals found in various products like cleaning products. Enough to make you spend sweet nights :)

The snake plant

Snake Plant

This plant is one of the most recommended to improve your nights because the most suitable place to keep this plant is the bedroom! It converts CO2 into air at night and improves indoor air quality.

the gardenia


If you were told that this plant had the ability to put you to sleep as much as prescribed sleeping pills, would you believe us? German researchers have discovered the positive effect of this plant on the quality of our nights, better than a drug that will make you have mood swings!

the gerbera


Another plant that works at night, to further improve the quality of your sleep: the gerbera. This pretty colorful plant absorbs all toxins and carbon monoxide to release oxygen. If you suffer from sleep or breathing problems, these pretty flowers are for you!

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