We all know that putting on your duvet can be a real ordeal, especially when you're alone. But don't panic, Bonsoirs comes to the rescue and answers this famous question: how to easily put on your duvet cover? 3-2-1, let's go, get the bed all clean!

We all know that putting on your duvet can be a real ordeal, especially when you're alone. But don't panic, Bonsoirs comes to the rescue and answers this famous question: how to put on a duvet cover without feeling like you've run a marathon? 3-2-1, let's go, get the bed all clean!

Technique n°1: The burrito

This technique is one of the best known and the one with the most tutorials on Youtube. At Bonsoirs, we tend to call it the rolls or sushi technique! Our reference ? This famous method of storing suitcases and backpacks so well known (special dedication to adventurers who have had to practice this storage technique over and over again). But what does it consist of? It's easy !

Step 1: lay your duvet cover inside out on your bed

Step 2: lay your duvet flat on top, in the right direction of course

Step 3: roll the two up as if you were making a burrito or a rolls (depending on what you call this trick!)

Step 4: once you have reached the end, take the opening of your duvet cover and tuck your freshly made burrito/rolls inside

Step 5: to finish, we pull and unroll … and the magic happens, your duvet cover is perfectly threaded, yay!

You haven't followed everything, no worries... Here's a video, all you have to do is play it!

Technique n°2: Clothespins

It seems that this technique is one of the most effective for putting on your duvet cover easily , of course, but it's not the most fun...

Step 1: spread your duvet cover over the entire surface of your bed

Step 2: Thread the corners of your duvet into the corners of your cover and secure them with clothespins. Be careful, we avoid sudden gestures so as not to remove the pins previously placed

Step 3: we take the two ends of the duvet, we shake and voila!

Technique n°3: When innovations help you put on your duvet cover

For each problem there is a solution ! Companies offer innovations that aim to help you make the task of putting on your duvet cover more practical. For example, we can cite Fixacouette for hotel professionals, or Hopoli for individuals.

The principle is simple, you fix the tool to your door, you pinch the duvet and presto, we put a new duvet cover back in two steps.

For those who are skeptical and hesitant, nothing better than seeing it to believe it!

Technique n°4: Two is better

If not, you can always get help! Putting on a duvet cover doesn't have to be a chore, it can be fun too!

Here is the special Good evening technique, we know some who will laugh!

Step 1: ask your other half or your neighbor to whom you lent your corkscrew the last time (after all, he owes you a favor) to make themselves as tall as possible, even if it means standing on their tiptoes

Step 2: tell him to keep his arms in the air, while holding in each of his hands a corner of the duvet

Step 3: grab the opposite corners of your duvet cover by rolling it like you roll your tights to put them on

Step 4: once they are caught, put the corners of the cover on the corners of the duvet held by this person who has been standing on tiptoe for 5 minutes (haha the scene is so funny)

Step 5: we let go of everything and neither one nor two, your work companion will find himself slipped into the duvet cover

Good for the rest, we'll let you manage to get it out of there without ruining your work. It would still be a shame if you wasted all that time changing your Bonsoirs sheets for nothing!

Now everyone to your duvet covers ;)